Tuesday, September 9, 2008

biodata separa lengkap

nama : sebenarnya syed nahar, better panggil nahar lah!
besday : tak yah lah, dah tua sangat dah ni..huhu.
education : i mmg pegi skolah, lepas SERATAS taiping i studied kat UTM.
career : plan nak jadi engineer tapi still creeping...topik sedih.
status : takkan janda kot? single la..
contact : email i kat syednahar@hotmail.com atau naharsyed@yahoo.com
pastu kalau nak tgk blog, review la kat
hobi : tak pernah stick to one hobby, usually depends on money, time and mood.
peberet food : any, except curry (akan ditukar maybe after march, haha).

1 comment:

peah said...

u have a sweet smile